No July RMD Meeting
We will NOT have a Regional Medical Direction Meeting in July.
CQI Request
Prior to our September meeting, we will be compiling regional CQI baseline data on Room Air Sat. Directors have received an instructional email on how to collect the data. Contact Linda at or call 719-937-3143 if you have questions.
At the September meeting, we will distributing one new/current hard copy protocol book per agency, for those of you who may have some books that have not been regularly updated. If you have noted any errors in the protocols, now would be a good time to get them addressed, so please contact Linda.
As a reminder, the most recently distributed protocols are available via the phone app. Remember to update your app when prompted, so that you are not looking at old protocols on your phone. Or, you can go to the RETAC website and download them. Please notify Linda if you have any trouble with the downloads.