
Reyna Martinez

Reyna Martinez

SLV RETAC/RMD Coordinator


Julie Ramstetter

Julie Ramstetter


SLV Health Trauma Coordinator

Dr. Grant Hurley

Dr. Grant Hurley


Medical Director

Chris Rodriguez

Chris Rodriguez

Treasurer & Secretary

Costilla County Emergency Manager

Advisory board

The SLV RETAC Advisory Boards are made up of a group of county commissioner-appointed individuals who volunteer their time to support the EMS and Trauma System. Each of the individuals deserves recognition in their ongoing dedication and commitment in improving EMS and Trauma Care.

costilla County

costilla County

Council Members

Chris Rodriguez
Kathy Christensen

alamosa county

alamosa county

Council Members

Julie Ramstetter
Dr. Carla Christ

Conejos county

Conejos county

Council Members

Ernest Abeyta
Sarah Gilleland

mineral County

mineral County

Council Members

Don Dustin
Dr. Grant Hurley

rio grande county

rio grande county

Council Members

Tyler Off
Dr. Pat Thompson

saguache county

saguache county

Council Members

Rylan Good
Joanna Dokson
Commissioner Lynne Thompson

meeting & minutes


SLV RETAC meetings are the 3rd Thursday of January, April, July, October

Meeting is scheduled at 6 p.m.

These are open to the public.


Location will be announced prior to meeting

Virtual link available.