Grants & awards
24-25FY Grants Awarded
The SLV RETAC is committed to supporting EMS activities within the counties of our RETAC. To help accomplish this, the RETAC board has instituted a funding process for anyone involved in EMS activities within our counties.
Grant Guidelines – This will be an evolving document as we develop this process but should provide some assistance.
15 Components of the EMTS System – The list of categories we can spend regional funds within.
Grant Application – Must be filled out for each entity or individual looking to receive such grant. As noted at the bottom it must be approved by the county representing group or the County Commissioners.
Vendor Disclosure Statement Form – This is a required state document for all state and federal funds.
W-9 Form – Must be completed by the applicant.
EMS Profile – Must be completed by the applicant.

Apply for funds – EMTS Funding program RFA # 33499363
The fiscal year 2026 Emergency Medical and Trauma Services provider grant application is now open. Use the link on this page to navigate to the application on the ZoomGrants platform.
For the state fiscal year 2026, approximately $4.8 million is available to fund grant projects to maintain and improve Colorado’s emergency medical and trauma services system. Program rules and requirements are in the FY 2026 EMTS Funding Guide. All applicants must submit a recently updated organizational profile to apply for funding.
Funds are available on a reimbursement basis to organizations that provide EMS and trauma services as their primary purpose. This generally includes ambulance services, first response agencies, acute care medical facilities, fire agencies, rescue groups, communications centers, training centers, and other public or private emergency medical and trauma services providers in Colorado.
Application period
Provider grant and system improvement funding applications are accepted mid-December through Feb. 15 of each year. Applications are accepted via the EMTS ZoomGrants portal. Applicants must log into a new or existing ZoomGrants account to apply for funding.
Pre-application deadline
A complete pre-application must be submitted before midnight on Feb. 8, 2025. Once the pre-application is approved, the grant application will be made available to the applicant. Early submission of both the pre-application and grant application is strongly encouraged.
E-470 Transportation Safety Foundation (TSF) has two grant opportunities open and is now accepting applications for its 2025 grant programs!
- Annual Grants Program: TSF will award up to 15 grants in increments of $2,500, $5,000, or $10,000 to nonprofit organizations and tax-exempt government entities supporting transportation safety, driver education, and related educational programs in Colorado.
- High School After Prom Grants: TSF offers $500 grants to support high school After Prom events, helping schools provide safe, fun, and substance-free environments for students during prom season.
Both programs are made possible through TSF fundraising efforts and do not utilize toll revenue. Priority for both programs is given to organizations and high schools along the E-470 corridor and surrounding areas. Click here to learn more about the E-470 Transportation Safety Foundation and to access the 2025 grant applications.
Rural Champions,
The National Center for Rural Road Safety and NLTAPA Safety Work Group are co-hosting a FREE, 1.5-hour online webinar entitled Non-traditional Funding for Rural & Tribal Transportation Agencies.
This webinar will be held Tuesday, February 4, 2025 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm Mountain/1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Eastern.
In rural and tribal areas, your funding needs tend to outweigh the funding available, so in this webinar, we are bringing you information on three funding sources you may not be aware of! Join us to learn more about:
MATI (Mobility, Accessibility, and Transportation Insecurity) – Funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and administered by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies (CTS), the MATI program is partnering with communities and mobility providers across the country to support the planning and development of community-shaped, innovative demonstration projects that can help address issues of transportation insecurity.
AARP Community Challenge – The AARP Community Challenge is a “quick-action” grant program that funds local projects aimed at making communities more livable for people of all ages. Now in its ninth year, the program has invested $20.1 million through 1,700 grants to nonprofits and municipalities across all 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The program focuses on tangible improvements and community engagement, helping grantees fast-track ideas and build support for promising solutions. Since 2017, approximately 40% of AARP Community Challenge projects have been awarded in rural communities.
Rural and Tribal Technical Assistance Program – A no-match grant program for planning and design of transportation projects in rural and tribal communities. The latest Notice of Funding Opportunity is currently out, with $27 million of funding available to award.
For more details and to register for the webinar, please click on the button below. Instructions on accessing the webinar will be sent after your registration is confirmed.